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Episode 3: Movement Of Tectonic Plates

Guten Tag Everyone……………………..

You all must be wondering how the hell is tectonic plate movements related to my life,

Hahahhahaha………………. well you will know in few episodes.

It was a regular day, I went to school, and my professors had called for a meeting before our final exams would commence, it was an usual conference that happens for all the batches.

So, it started, and everyone was told, how to prepare for exam and were given some career guidance. Towards the end of the meeting the professors said we will have another session and on what entrance exam would be required for which career options.

After the sessions and classes I came back from school and I called my parents saying I want to have a family dinner and would like to have discuss about my career.

OMG when I am narrating this to you, it seems I am calling for a meeting to declare the next annual budget hahahhahaha……….

My decision was clear from the very beginning for which I have been preparing since 7th grade.

FYI, I did appear in SAT before my finals and my score was 1575 out of 1600, I don’t even get why the hell I called for a meeting when it was so clear to my parents what my career path is going to be .Anyway, dinner time…………………….

Fun fact, whenever there is a family dinner dad makes sure it is French menu on plate! and everything must be served in order thanks to the holy mother god Mary unlike French we had few courses of menus and not 17

Here comes the special Menu: -


Hors-d oeuvre (Appetizer)

Tartare de saumon et sa crème acidulée (salmon tartar (seasoned with minced raw salmon) and lemon cream)

Potage (Soup)

Soupe au potiron avec croûtons servie chaude ou froide (pumpkin soup with croutons (hot or cold))

Main Course

Poisson (Fish) / Legumes (Vegetables) / Roti (Roast)

Saumon rôti et asperges avec purée de pommes de terre (Roasted salmon and asparagus with mashed potatoes)

Legumes (Vegetables) / Roti (Roast)

Magret de canard rôti au cassis (Roasted duck breast with blackcurrant)


Dessert (Cut Fruits & Nuts)/Entremets (Sweets)

Panna cotta aux fraises (Strawberry Panna cotta)

Tarte aux pommes (Apple pie)

I remembered the menu vividly, apparently it was my dad best combination of french meal.

I would have failed miserably if the SAT would have been in French (mandatory) hahahhahaha….

So, I said my parents that, I have good score in SAT as you know, and I am working hard to get good grades in the Finals. Therefore, I am planning to apply for Boston University once the results are out.

My Parents acted as if they are surprised, but they are not, and the reason is “they have put this thing in my head since I was a kid.”

The next day when I went to school, I got to know, the professor who organised the session did not come himself. I was annoyed and asked why did he not come to the school, someone said he is on leave. My anger level increased, I asked why the hell does he call the meeting when he had to take leave. huh…………………….

Someone from my class, said that is because his son tried to commit suicide as he got good score in his SAT but apparently our professor did not have enough money to sponsor his education.

You know the moment where everything stays still and you just hear the things which you do not want to, this was that moment.

Did not have enough money to sponsor his education, This sentence haunted me!!

I went back to home, could not sleep, I literally grabbed all the things in my room and checked the price tags of them. My counsellor found that unusual, she tried to talk to me, but I did not answer a word, she called my parents to come home as my behaviour was not normal.

My parents call me after they are back from work, they asked, what happened in the school if everything was alright?

Instead of answering I asked them, how much money do you make, my parents were like what kind of question is that?

My dad said, who asked you to ask us this question, someone in school?

Did I not give enough money to them even when you topped the school admission entrance on merit, he said let me call them!

Seems my counsellor got some hints, she said, that in the evening she got a call from my professor and she said, I have been assigned some kind of a project for that I was asking about the salary and scanning the cost of everything. I agreed, with her as I did not know what else to ask my parents.

The topic was over of course for them but not for me, it was haunting me, we had dinner in our respective rooms since my parents lost their work time as they came to me leaving all their work.

My counsellor came to my room which was definitely expected….

There was an unusual silence for about 10 mints and then she asked…………………

Ummmmm so what do you think? What she would have asked and what would have been my reply?

Now the “Movement of tectonic plates” must make sense to you.

To know what has happened that night, stay tuned……….

Till then Sayōnara...

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